Home of the Barracudas!
The Weldon Ridge Barracudas are a summer swim team that compete in the South Division of the Tarheel Swim Association. The team is open to any elementary, middle or high school-aged resident of the Weldon Ridge neighborhood (ages 4-18).
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- Every family is required to complete 4 volunteer shifts in addition to the mock meet. You will need to sign up for the volunteer positions (positions will be released soon for signing up).
- Volunteer job descriptions are available at "Volunteer Positions".
- Any person who volunteers as a Stroke & Turn Judge or Starter must attend a TSA-sponsored training. The schedule of clinics can be found at this link: Clinics - Tarheel Swimming Association.
See more information on the Volunteers tab.
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Swim Wear
- Prior to our first meet, swimmers should visit Kiefer Aquatics at 1231 NW Maynard Road (919-439-8678) and request to purchase the suit for the Weldon Ridge Barracudas. They will be able to assist with sizing. The suit is same as last year. The new swimmers should plan to purchase a new suit. Our plan is to use this suit for multiple seasons.
- Swim suit model/colors for the 2024 season –
- Rise Splice [Weldon Logo will be added to each suit at vendor]
- Female: $41 + tax
- Male Jammers: $38 + tax
- Rise Splice [Weldon Logo will be added to each suit at vendor]
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